Engagement Blueprint / Action Planning Workshop - From data to Action!

Does Best Companies Group offer consultative services to aid us in improving our workplace engagement?

Yes, we do!!Our Engagement Blueprint / Action Planning Workshop is designed to aid clients who need 3rd party assistance in taking their engagement survey feedback and building strategic action plans. 

Need more information? Send an email to surveyenhancements@bestcompaniesgroup.com

Recent Client Testimonial 

“Tulsa Tech’s Leadership team had an insightful session with Jaime at Best Companies Group, who started by helping them all review the results of their Employee Engagement Survey.  Jaime led the group through an engaging process to define both short and long-term goals for each leader.  After the session, each leader left with specific action plans to engage their team and move the needle on creating a best place to work.   With Best Companies Group’s help, the focus for this leadership team is to strengthen engagement and culture within their teams, utilizing ideas inspired by employee feedback. Tulsa Tech values our nearly 10-year partnership with Best Companies Group and count on the vast experience the team brings to strengthening employee engagement and overall satisfaction. Leaders across the organization said this was the best session, giving them tools to assess feedback and create action plans to make a difference in the organization.  Sharing the data at a deeper level and working with leaders has given Tulsa Tech a more collaborative approach to increasing our overall engagement.  We see our relationship with Best Companies as a critical component of our future success in creating a great place to work.”

  • Jennifer Lester, Director, Communications/Organization Effectiveness, Tulsa Tech