H. Response Rate

    How many employees need to take the survey?


    A high response rate improves the accuracy of your survey results. Therefore, you need at least a 40% response rate if you have 25 or more employees, or an 80% response rate if you have fewer than 25 employees. BCG likely will not consider companies for the list if they do not meet this threshold. Regardless of whether or not you make the list, the higher your response rate, the more the data will represent your company as a whole, and the more value your survey report will have at the end of the process. 


    While BCG encourages a high response rate, tracking individuals who respond jeopardizes employee confidentiality and BCG will not allow tracking. Please keep in mind that the employee survey is optional, not mandatory. BCG will send employees up to three survey reminders. This only applies to employees on your email list that BCG selects for the survey. BCG cannot send the BCG EnGauge Dashboard to organizations with less than a 10% response rate.


    Shortly after the employee survey launch, the primary contact will receive an email from Surveys@BestCompaniesGroup.com with access to our Response Rate Dashboard. With this live ​dashboard you can view how many total surveys were sent, how many have been submitted, how many submitted surveys you need to be considered for the "best" list and how many more you need to reach that minimum. However, please remember that the survey is optional, not mandatory. You cannot force employees to complete the survey or ask them to report to you when they have completed it. You are welcome to tell employees how many submitted surveys are needed to be considered and you are encouraged to send your own reminders to employees.