We are thrilled to present our popular Data Analytics Products / Services:
1. Our Executive Summary Report / PowerPoint Presentation - A true game changer. We analyze your data, build the communication presentation to deliver to Senior Leadership, determine your GAP analysis from program participants and recommend action plans.
2. Employee Net Promoter Score - Analytics designed to aid in employee satisfaction and retention
3. Key Drivers Analysis - Statistical Regression Tools which identify key drivers of employee engagement from the survey questions.
4. Frequency Analysis Report - Provides a complete analysis of your employee range of responses to the survey LIKERT questions.
5. SWOT Analysis Report - Provides a less comprehensive analysis than the Executive Summary. It aims to provide the top areas of your survey in a SWOT format to begin the culture conversation and drive strategy discussions for organizational next steps.
If you are seeking to have more robust data analytic sessions sessions post-survey to analyze your data, provide insights to your leadership team and employees, our data analytic communication products/services may be the solution for you.
If you'd like more information, feel free to contact a Best Companies Group Team Member at surveyenhancements@bestcompaniesgroup.com